wenceslaus linck造句
- The mission site was visited by the Jesuit missionary-explorers Ferdinand Kona ak and Wenceslaus Linck.
- He participated in the important reconnaissances of the northern peninsula together with the Jesuit missionary-explorers Ferdinand Kona ak and Wenceslaus Linck.
- Jesuit missionary-explorers in Baja California who attempted to lay the issue finally to rest included Juan de Ugarte ( 1721 ), Ferdinand Kona ak ( 1746 ), and Wenceslaus Linck ( 1766 ).
- In 1766, Wenceslaus Linck was the first person to reach San Felipe by land, and in 1794 the Lt . Governor of the Californias, Jos?Joaqu韓 de Arrillaga, began to use it as a port.
- Among the most noteworthy book-length publications are a four-column history of the Jesuits in New Spain by Francisco Javier Alegre and accounts by Jesuit missionaries including Eusebio Francisco Kino, Juan Mar韆 de Salvatierra, Francisco Mar韆 Piccolo, Wenceslaus Linck, Benno Ducrue, and others.
- For example, Sebastiano Caboto was Sebasti醤 Caboto, Georg von Speyer hispanized as Jorge de la Espira, Eusebio Francesco Chini Hispanicised as Eusebio Kino, Wenceslaus Linck was Wenceslao Linck, Ferdinand Kona ak, was Fernando Consag, Amerigo Vespucci was Am閞ico Vespucio, and the Portuguese Aleixo Garcia was known as Alejo Garc韆 in the Castilian army.
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